It is quite a long time since I wrote anything in this blog but that is because the last few months have been very busy trying to produce the work I needed for the Memory of Place [a walk in
Exciting news
I think it’s time I told you my news. I’ve been rather quiet on here over the last couple of months although I have an exciting Studio Conversation coming very soon so come back to see who I have been
A weekend at Hospitalfield
When I published my Studio Conversation with Jackie Cartwright last week I said that I was going away for a weekend course down at Hospitalfield House on the outskirts of Arbroath. Living in this area we are very lucky to
Studio Space
I know that I am very lucky to have a space to call my own, a place to sit, to plan and of course to work. It isn’t huge but it is certainly big enough and I know many people
While the greens and ochres of the landscape sometimes overwhelm, out walking it is possible to come across the most vibrant reds and pinks, especially at this time of year when toadstools and rose hips are in abundance.
Studio conversations – Dominique Cameron
Last week in my post after our trip to the Pittenweem Arts Festival, I hinted that there was something exciting I was going to write about and I thought it was time I let you know. One of the